I am blessed to live in a state with so much natural beauty. I have endless inspiration from the beautiful Rocky Mountains, to the Great Salt Lake, to the red rocks of southern Utah.
Besides visiting these places, I enjoy painting them in order to bring some of that beauty into my home and the homes of my collectors. My StoryI was born in the beautiful state of Michoacan, Mex., home of the migrating monarch butterflies. My family moved to Utah when I was a young child and I have called it home for over 35 years. As I was growing up, I always knew I wanted to have a career in the arts, but like many others, I was discouraged from following that dream. I did take some painting classes in college, but ended up majoring in Elementary Education.
I got married, and dedicated my life to my new family and teaching career. While I did enjoy teaching, I continued to dream about painting and started taking courses from professional artists and painting whenever I could. During this time, I was looking for ways to raise money for a charitable ministry and decided to try to sell my art. I went to local farmers markets and fairs and sold my concrete garden sculptures and paintings. They were very well received, encouraging me to continue working on my skills and to apply for art shows and galleries. I have now been selling my work at Gallery 25 for 6 years. Recently, God blessed our family with a new baby and I made the decision to take a break form teaching, in order to stay home with her. Now that I am not teaching, I am able to be a full time mother and dedicate more time to my art. I am looking forward to the future, starting new series of Utah and Mexico paintings, and hope to bring my work to a couple art shows this year. Subscribe to my email list or follow me on social media to stay updated on current series of work, events, and future fundraisers. |